Juicy velour bags
Although that you possess several designer bags, sometimes you still can not find a suitable bags for certain occasions. The other day I went shopping with a girl friend but couldn't find a satisfy bags. My collected bags either is too large in size or too complicated to carry for shopping, only if I had bought this Juicy Couture bags Ombre-logo Wristlet earlier. This smart bags can be hand-carried so that I do not have to worry about its security problem nor afraid that the bags chain might press my precious shirt. You might also like to add this Juicy Couture bags wristlet to your wardrobe.
This designer purse comes out in two colors, neutral desert and black. Personally I prefer the light color one for it goes well with my clothes in easy breezy spring summer days. Once again this Juicy Couture handbags is made of high quality soft velour that features "Juicy" embroidery only that this time the logo comes in ombre style. Dear, when you are choosing between the two colored bags there is one detail to notice. The desert bags features gold tone hardware but the black one with silver hardware.
This designer purse comes out in two colors, neutral desert and black. Personally I prefer the light color one for it goes well with my clothes in easy breezy spring summer days. Once again this Juicy Couture handbags is made of high quality soft velour that features "Juicy" embroidery only that this time the logo comes in ombre style. Dear, when you are choosing between the two colored bags there is one detail to notice. The desert bags features gold tone hardware but the black one with silver hardware.
hearli - 22. Jul, 11:28